Iaido Sagawa
A good opportunity to lighten the mood in the times after shutdown (and possibly again before …). It was with this motivation that Sagawa Sensei decided to practice Iaido when […]
A good opportunity to lighten the mood in the times after shutdown (and possibly again before …). It was with this motivation that Sagawa Sensei decided to practice Iaido when […]
The four diseases Shikai – is there a cure? Again Geoff inspires me in his article: Shikai, (shi = four, kai = Bereich) the four sicknesses are Kyo-Ku-Gi-Waku, surprise, fear,
Interesting demonstration 2019 of Toyamaru Ryu forms by Kakuseikai, International Batto-Do Federation in the time-honored Butokuden, Kyoto. The preference for oblique cuts as a characteristic of Iai-Jutsu schools becomes clear
Muso Shinden Ryu – Saito Yoshikichi – 2019 Asakusa Kobudo Taikai. Forms of Omori Ryu Shohatto (1:45). Ushiro (2:50). Inyoshintai (4:00). Ryuto (5:10). Gyakuto (6:40). Seichuto (8:00). Nukiuchi (9:10).
Again there is a possibility of comparison between two Iaido schools: Muso Shinden Ryu and Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu (the two Iaidoka are 8th Dan Shinzou Tanaka and Sutekatsu Tanno).
›Ukenagashi‹ lets Uke slip , that is, his attacking sword. The technique is explicitly found three times in Seitei-Iai’s kata, conceivably also in other places. Here is a film with
As a beginner you get a wooden sword (bokken) pressed into your hand and can work out your first sore muscles. If you want more you need your own piece
Hardly anyone has the opportunity to enjoy full-time Iaido training. Also in Germany there is certainly no one who runs his own professional dojo of this kind. How can one
Seitei-Kata Mae as basis Seitei-Iai as basic school starts in the order of Kata number 1: Mae. It is remarkable. All martial arts prefer to practice standing forms. Often, however,
My first Iaito. All Iaidokas remember buying their first Iaito. Then you really entered the ranks of swordsmen. The training gets serious. Sure, a Bokken (wooden sword) is a respectable