2025: The Year of the Water Snake
Dear Iaidokas, let us take inspiration from the Chinese calendar, which offers some perspectives for the upcoming year of practice. 2025 is the year of the Water Snake (水蛇). The Snake symbolizes wisdom, intuition, and elegance. Water as one of the five elements enhances these traits with adaptability, agility, and dynamism.
The Snake and Iaido: Constant Renewal
The Snake represents transformation and growth. Just as it sheds its skin to grow, Iaido challenges us to shed old habits and continually evolve. Every practice session is an opportunity for transformation – both technical and spiritual.
Water in Iaido: fluid and clear
Water adapts to any shape while remaining true to itself. In Iaido, water reminds us to perform movements that are flowing, precise, and in harmony. It teaches us to face challenges with flexibility while maintaining inner continuity.
Discovering your way
The Water Snake encourages us to break free from rigid patterns and approach training with clarity and fresh ideas. In Iaido, this means not just repeating techniques but also understanding their deeper significance and taking personal responsibility for their correct execution.
Ready to begin?
Use the Year of the Water Snake to enrich your Iaido practice with flexibility and openness. Grow beyond your limits – in the dojo and beyond!
The Dojo Leadership